Econia brand guidelines

Brand Guidelines

Primary Logo

Logo Light - Econia
Econia Primary Logo - White
Logo Dark - Econia
Econia Primary Logo - Black


Favicon Light - Econia
Econia Logo Mark - White
Favicon Dark - Econia
Econia Logo Mark - Black

Logo Guidelines

If you are using Econia as a back-end settlement engine and would like to incorporate the Econia logo in your project, please use the secondary logo.

Powered by Enconia Logo - Econia
Powered by Enconia Logo - Econia
Powered by Enconia Logo - Econia
Powered by Enconia Logo - Econia
Powered by Enconia Logo - Econia
Powered by Enconia Logo - Econia

Logo Misuse

Rotate Logo - Econia

Do not rotate

Color Logo - Econia

Do not color the logo

Strech Logo - Econia

Do not skew or stretch

Logo Font - Econia

Do not use an unofficial font

Combinated Logo - Econia

Do not use the primary logo with the logo mark

Background Logo - Econia

Do not use the logo on a busy background

Econia Colors

RGB: 255 255 255
Primary 1
RGB: 0 0 0
Primary 2
RGB: 8 108 217
Secondary 1

Econia Fonts

Primary Type
Roboto Mono

This is Roboto Mono. Used in all brand copy and the primary font for Econia. Developers at our core, we live and breath monospace, which has embedded itself deep inside our psyche.

Download Roboto mono
Display type

This is Jost regular. A font that is, just like Econia, open-source. The feel of Jost aligns well with Econia’s vision: clean, sharp, and futuristic.

Download Jost