Mar 1, 2023

Econia Labs Acquires Laminar Markets

With great anticipation, Econia Labs is pleased to formally announce it has acquired Laminar Markets.

With great anticipation, Econia Labs is pleased to formally announce it has acquired Laminar Markets. Our projects’ development teams have combined, creating one cohesive unit of talent aimed at building out a premium suite of trading infrastructure for the Aptos ecosystem.

For months, our teams have been working separately to develop solutions that jumpstart DeFi adoption on the network. Recently, however, we have decided to come together under one umbrella, pooling our resources and mindshare into a strategic powerhouse that will usher in the next generation of on-chain trading. This strategic decision will not only create an unstoppable intellectual alliance with the power to ship better, faster, and stronger, but will also reduce liquidity fragmentation across the broader Aptos ecosystem. One team, one vision, one ocean of liquidity.

What does this acquisition entail?

Econia Labs has already formally onboarded Laminar’s development team, and will be integrating Laminar’s existing order book tooling to provide seamless integration experiences for dApp developers and market makers. As we build out the Economic Engine of Tomorrow (together!), DeFi users can look forward to rich user-facing front ends powered by our collaborative efforts.

“Our acquisition of talent and resources from Laminar Markets gives Econia Labs the key resources we need to build a next-generation settlement engine at the base layer of Aptos DeFi.” — Alex, Co-founder and core developer at Econia Labs.

“Collaboration and open source development are fundamental aspects that enable our industry to be an amazing place to build. We’re thrilled for this next chapter of working together with Econia Labs, and well-aligned in writing the next chapter of on-chain trading infrastructure.” — Kadir, Co-Founder and core developer at Laminar Markets.

Community members on the Laminar Markets Discord, soon to be retired, are graciously welcomed to join Econia Lab’s server (Join Here) to remain up-to-date on the latest protocol developments, and to become strategic members of our community.

The team at Econia Labs couldn’t be more thrilled to watch its team grow as we build out a hyper-parallelized on-chain order book, leveraging key performance unlocks of the Aptos blockchain.

Remain up-to-date on the latest Econia protocol developments by following us on Twitter (@econialabs) and subscribing to our Medium.

Econia Labs

Econia is a hyper-parallelized order book protocol that runs on the Aptos blockchain. Engineered for web-scale performance and built to provide equal global access to markets, Econia leverages Aptos’ optimistic concurrency to scale up trading across trading pairs.